What is the most similar dialect that is already available here?
Welcome to Macintosh Common Lisp Version 5.2.1!
? (read-from-string "0.6146281499692686 ")
? (setf *READ-DEFAULT-FLOAT-FORMAT* 'double-float)
? (read-from-string "0.6…
Welcome to Macintosh Common Lisp Version 5.2.1!
? (read-from-string "0.6146281499692686 ")
? (setf *READ-DEFAULT-FLOAT-FORMAT* 'double-float)
? (read-from-string "0.6…
The function alexandria:format-sybmol in the alexandria version that comes with teepeedee2 doesn't convert it's argument to string. In result babel fails with error "value #:~A-CODE-POINT-COUNTER is n…
I wrote a Common Lisp kata and saved it as a draft.
The following warning appears at the top of the description:
Caution: This kata does not currently have any known supported versions for Common…
Minimal reproducible example -
(in-package :common-lisp-user)
(defpackage "APP"
(:use :clim :clim-lisp)
(:export "APP-MAIN"))
(in-package :app)
(define-application-frame superapp ()…
- select a function: the file is visited
- C-x C-k : kill the visited file buffer
- select the same function again:
Debugger entered--Lisp error: (error "Selecting deleted buffer")
I use Debian 12 (emacs 28.2, debian meta package 1:28.2+1-15), and elpa-ess package 18.10.2+git20220915.
Trying to load the ess environment (M-X R), I get the answer :
Loading file /usr/share/e…
If i checkout Sophus commit a621ff, and try to build with make i get this error
`usr/bin/cmake -H/home/drew/svo/workspace/Sophus -B/home/drew/svo/workspace/Sophus/build --check-build-system …
These are languages that people use for real projects, today. These require the most work but also give the biggest payoff, since people will use them in their daily work.
So far we're 1/5 here, with…