Bash syntax highlighter broken in string match contain spaces (sentence). Works fine on single word match.
![Screenshot from 2024-01-10 16-04-29](https://github.com/Alexey-T/CudaText/assets/1142051…
program HelloInterrupt;
IRGVEC: pointer absolute $0314;
SCREENPOS1: byte absolute $0400;
procedure disableInterrupts; {Macro?}
I see the bug on macOS 10.11.
will investigate.
![Screenshot from 2023-11-30 22-29-10](https://github.com/Alexey-T/CudaText/assets/4154978/3eb77432-0710-41c0-a840-ffd9d7ce7794)
Realistically, the only valid use case for `volatile` is Memory Mapped Input/Output. That is, when memory loads and stores have side effects. Normally, memory loads and stores do not have side effects…
JavaScript syntax when using backsticks on CudaText 1.208:
JavaScript syntax on VSCode:
let's test this change (idea from you).
+ add: when option "find_hi_max_lines" limit is over, still highlight occurrences, but only in the visible editor area; button "Hi" in the Find…
[screencast 2023-12-01 19-07-44.webm](https://github.com/Alexey-T/CudaText/assets/145272409/cccf8ecd-5a7a-489a-ba03-472bf743107e)
lanqr updated
12 months ago
### Version
Double Commander
Version: 1.1.2 beta
Revision: 71
Commit: 1c4639968
Build date: 2023/09/09
FPC: 3.2.2
Platform: x86_64-Linux-gtk2
OS version: Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS…
### Version
App will not start: doublecmd-1.2.0-11214.cocoa.aarch64.dmg
### Description
App does not start, does this info help?:
./Downloads/Double\ Commander.app/Contents/MacOS/doublecm…
в браузерах закрепленные вкладки сжимаются по ширине
возможно (опционально) реализовать что-то схожее
к примеру, ```!...```