Hi I'm trying to genrate key using the below code
var rsa = forge.pki.rsa;
var keypair = rsa.generateKeyPair({bits: 3072, e: 0x10001});
but whem i'm printing keypair i' gett…
my first noise server! :)
noise-network returns a noise stream on `connect()`, but it crashes when i do not use nextTick
first guess: probably we need one inside noise-peer to fix the issue.
- organization
- g8 template
and the AWS stuff
- credentials?
- keypair
- instance role
- [ ] Stop abusing pointers in integer variables
- [ ] Fix-up q3f array/keypair arrays same issue^
the main readme file should only give an overview of the features and link to files for
- docker production setup (could be part of main readme if really short)
- development setup
- companion app …
Keypair generation must be an independent function. Precursor to #5
(This is related to #156, but probably needs a few more questions answered.)
I can open an RFC once we have an initial consensus.
The goal is to provide an Artifact Integrity guarantee th…
It looks like there's no way to save/restore a Keypair. I guess this is nowhere even near production ready right?
Add persistence so that on restart, data is restored, no data is lost.
### Reproduction steps
We are implementing matter pairing on Android with an external operationalKeyStore which essentially means we need to initialize the chip controller with the NOC, root certif…