var Galileo = require("galileo-io");
var board = new Galileo();
var pin = 11; //use any PWM pin
board.on("ready", function() {
var byte = 0;
this.pinMode(pin, this.MODES.OUTPUT);
I sent a comment with <http://example.com>, which is Markdown for linking tags but it disappeared on you blog. I'm guessing you are filtering html. Do you want to consider encoding it instead us…
This is [Issue 1100](http://code.google.com/p/arduino/issues/detail?id=1100) moved from a Google Code project.
Added by 2012-11-05T22:47:15.000Z by [igna...@turegano.it](http://code.google.com/u/10909…
Originally filed here: https://github.com/rwldrn/johnny-five/issues/53
First off, rad project. I'm hoping someone can steer me towards the light...
Attempting to run the demo code: (
``` javascrip…
since the board Rev2 has changed some GPIO numbers, you should modify the GPIPins-enum.
Documentation: http://elinux.org/RPi_Low-level_peripherals#General_Purpose_Input.2FOutput_.28GPIO.29