Not sure if others had this issue, but the installation simply didn't work. The tailpile status bar icon would show, but when saving a tailwind.css file the status icon would turn to a rotating bar ic…
I probably already posted this question but...
How is the penalty calcultated ?
4 CVE over 5 its 80% penalty. How is it calculated? Any Info Button about it could be good for Users.
Also, w…
Hello, I have a question while reading your paper.
In this paper, you mentions the use of Query Transformer and Learnable Latent Vectors.
Upon closer examination, it appears that Learnable Latent Ve…
the python file that come with your repo did not work. you should check this. I repaird the file by my self.
Hi, in my setup I'm requesting a Data Access Token using the following Verifier endpoint: http://verifier.abc/services/data-service/token
The response looks like this:
"aud": [
{{- range $key, $value := .Values.gateway.annotations }}
{{ $key }}: {{ $value | quote }}
{{- end }}
I till have this concern with the removal of my brilliant words #03f24319ed2e4b372ba324d90b80364817d387a1
While working on the translation I came across the fact that in some cases we use "I did something" (I Favorited a tweet) or "Author did something" (has commented on...).
I don't know how this would …
Please don't 🥲