**Describe the bug**
When using Spring boot in version 3.2.1, together with Redis-base session store, session invalidation fails because of lack of Base64 cookie encoding
When back channel logou…
> maven dependency: redisson-spring-boot-starter:3.29.0
Hello, i try to configure `failedSlaveNodeDetector` in yaml file and i intend to use `org.redisson.client.FailedCommandsTimeoutDetector` as t…
Hi everyone,
I've recently noticed a proliferation of security parameter/configuration specifications within our company, such as the "Redis security configuration baseline."
Upon reviewing thes…
I can connect using the redis cli, but not through Spring Boot Webflux, I keep getting readAddress(..) failed: Connection reset by peer
So, i figured this was a spring issue, using lettuce.
**🐞 Bug report**
I am experiencing an issue with the `spring-boot-starter-data-redis-reactive` version `3.1.3` when trying to connect to a Redis server in production mode. While t…
### Describe the bug
I run the following code (same as the example) to fetch s3 bucket file
`S3Client{region = "us-east-1"}.use{ s3 ->
//do nothing to make sure th…
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## Expected behavior
the installer works correctly
## Actual behavior
rails g forest_liana:install crash
## Failure Logs
rails g forest_liana:install
## Util 类库
### guava
- Google core libraries for Java
- [Github 地址](https://github.com/google/guava)
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Module: [camellia-redis-proxy]
Version: [v1.2.29 ]
Content: [e.g. doc has a error]