I want to apply CNN with h5 model to this car camera.
So, I modified the code a bit and tried to use tensorflow.
I did "pip install tensorflow" and ran the code, but an error occurred saying that te…
D:\visqol\visqol>bazel build :visqol -c opt
WARNING: Download from https://storage.googleapis.com/mirror.tensorflow.org/github.com/tensorflow/runtime/archive/4ce3e4da2e21ae4dfcee9366415e55f408c884ec.…
Hello! Thanks for providing such a cool repo. Just a question about the version of Tensorflow to be used. In the requirements.txt file it's >=1.3.0, in the readme/front page it states 1.13.1. Which ve…
I get an error running the model, I think it could be related to using a different Tensorflow version. The error I get is:
`Dimension 1 in both shapes must be equal, but are 44 and 30. Shapes are […
Do you think this would be reasonable to implement with Tensorflow as a [py_func op](https://www.tensorflow.org/api_docs/python/tf/py_func)? I think it's reasonable to assume it would be worth creatin…
I want to deploy the final model for production.
Tensorflow has an example to do this for inception model.
do you have any idea what all changes need to be made to do serving for show and tell model…
Looks like the implementation of this project is by python 2.7. Im facing issues in installing tensorflow. Am i right with the version of python?
Is anyone interested in having the same feature set available in TF?
I'm considering implementing at least implicit matrix factorization in TF, want to know if it's worth making PRs or not.