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[x] bug report => search github for a similar issue or PR before submitting
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I am copying the def visual_model_selection(X, y, estimator) sample into a Jupiter lab notebook and get the error as in the title:
ImportError: cannot import name '_print_elapsed_time'
I have t…
The `plsda()` model in **caret** supports multiclass classification.
``` r
caret_plsda_model [1] setosa versicolor virginica
#> Levels: setosa versicolor virginica
But its imple…
Some people are getting an issue after updating scikit-learn:
File "/home/jupyter/.local/lib/python3.5/site-packages/sklearn/decomposition/__init__.py", line 19, in
from ._online_l…
#### Description
There seems to be a bug in the eigen solver part of LDA.
#### Steps/Code to Reproduce
When you use LDA with eigen solver. The decision function is implement…
I'm getting a couple of problems when trying to run pyprophet on my data:
My target - decoy distribution is quite uneven, which is maybe the source of the problem:
Info: Data set conta…
I am looking for matlab code about stepwise Linear Discriminant Analysis. And I find bbci_public. It's really a great tool.
But I find it that train_SWLDAmatlab.m use stepwisefit function whi…
As you might have seen, one of the [vignette](https://easystats.github.io/bayestestR/articles/3_IndicesExistenceComparison.html) is a bit more detailed and looks almost like a paper. Actually, the who…
Use Linear Discriminant Analysis as a classifier to perform the following:
Implement a program that reads from the command line 5 parameters:
1. Path to iris training dataset CSV file (comma separate…
So I caught some embarrassing bugs. Notably CDA/LDA had a transpose/broadcasting error that basically made it - well - it made the method not CDA/LDA. I also included some safeties for the GuassianDis…