Is there any way to run smtp-validate-email from behind proxys?
How can i ban someone from the console?I want to I want to ban the player from the player.conn
## Overview
In a permissionless decentralised network some peers might misbehave and not follow the rules of the protocol, this can happen due to benign reasons such as network latencies, slow hardwa…
The default behavior is that a node will create/accept connection to any peer which is not on the black list. We previously discussed about having a strict mode, that unlike the permissive one, will b…
Bonjour, je ne suis pas dev, mais en utilisant votre superbe solution (depuis 6 mois environ), je me suis aperçu que je ne pouvais plus filtrer les adresses ip des administrateurs et éditeurs du site …
I have been using outline on Irancell and Rightell operators in Iran with no problem but IR-MCI blocks the IP agter it reaches a certain amount of traffic. We had a server only for testing purp…
Hi - not sure if this is happening elsewhere in the site, but on my admin page (/wp-admin/plugins.php) there is a 120 second delay. On Query Monitor (diagnostic plugin tool) I can see the following HT…
sudo apachectl -M | grep evasive
evasive20_module (shared)
I tried different variants for path of the log dir
for example:
DOSLogDir "/var/log/mod_evasive"
DOSLogDir /var/log/apache2
The site https://trustpositif.kominfo.go.id/ appears to allow you to check whether a domain is on the Indonesian TrustPositif blocklist. However, access to the site is apparently restricted to Indones…
## Description
Thanks to [networking service](https://docs.testground.ai/v/master/concepts-and-architecture/networking) we can set params(e.g. latency, jitter, packet loss) to testable instances.…