Just realized, that sometimes the docstrings tend to become outdated, without that being noticeable (e.g. one parameter added to a function and docstring not adapted).
So it would be great to automat…
The mkdocs-material project now has a JSON schema for `mkdocs.yml` files and it's possible to add external references so you can maintain it in your own repo like so https://github.com/squidfunk/mkdoc…
Could you please upload the requirements.txt?Thank you!
* Next and previous can be based on order of navigation
thank you so much for making this plugin! 👍 I've tried it and everything seems to work as expected when using with `mkdocs serve`.
I just didn't figure out how to extend the content to use t…
checkout this theme in MKDocs: http://squidfunk.github.io/mkdocs-material/getting-started/
Would be great if Wyam can also come with such a theme for docs.
My proposal on how we start migrating documents from Twiki to Markdown is below. Feel free to add any suggestions and comments.
**Goal (Definition of Done)**
All operational docu…
We currently support custom biencoder models but not yet custom rerankers. Could be good to have imo! See https://github.com/embeddings-benchmark/mteb/issues/1230#issuecomment-2371998543 for context.
OSSJ 2024に向けて急ぎでマージ等を行なったために積み残しになったものここにまとめていきます。
> from ... to... のニュアンス出すため
Gitbook toolchain (what we currently use) is essentially dead (https://github.com/GitbookIO/gitbook/issues/1808#issuecomment-319956823) and it's pretty ugly to boot. MDDocs looks like a promising alte…