Hi, I want to know about your model can use my own image as an input? Is it possible to output the obj and texture ?
Thank you,
[Updated 2023.05.18 with latest findings]
The latest 10.8 pre-alpha build have a new view setup mode to be able to get more realistic view, clean view matrix that won't create rendering artefacts a…
I am trying to replace the use of cellpose by using cellpose-omni in our code. I try to run the training on a fedora machine and I use the most current version of code from this github.
I think there…
Insufficient space group descriptions
the train cmd is
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES="0,1" python nerfstudio/nerfstudio/scripts/train.py nsg-vkitti-car-depth-recon --data vkitti2/Scene18/morning --pipeline.datamanager.dataparser.car_object_…
There are a lot of possible configurations in which a colon separates two parts of an orthographic sentence. Currently there is a wide range of analyses for these, and I'm not sure how many distinct k…
i need to create 3D reconstruction using the Depth data captured by D455, i guess it will require co-ordinate data, pixel information etc. Do realsense have a standard procedure to create such 3D reco…
I had posted about the examples not using stropped keywords but I've just found in the source that stropping is indeed available as an option so I've deleted the issue. Sorry about that. But I'll ju…
Hi, thanks for sharing your great work.
There is only one file under the directory of car-nerf-state-dict.
Are 0002 and 0001 used differen…
I am using STIR python for image reconstruction, specifically the `PoissonLogLikelihoodWithLinearModelForMeanAndProjData3DFloat` objective function class. I am trying to utilize the GPU projectors fo…