I'm on debian 7/64 with apache2+mysql-server.
I followed the installation guide here (https://docs.cachethq.io/v1.0/docs/installing-cachet ) but every time I've got this page: http://status.2f…
I thought we needed a place to just shoot the crap, ask random stuff, etc.
This issue will never be closed and I'm expecting it to get rather long. :)
Unless you're using Github notifications or sor…
I´m passing code in blade to twig template engine and get the following error:
{# Preguntamos si hay un mensaje de error y si hay lo mostramos #}
{% if Session.…
In Laravel 5, they added the syntax {!! code.. !!} in the blade template engine, this has the same meaning as tripple curlies {{{ code }}}, in laravel 4, but the advantage of being more visual…
When returning from a route i'm using
return Redirect::back()->with(['error' => $error, 'messages' => $messages]);
and inside my view i'm used to Blade as the template engine, is there somet…
Although this may be nothing to do with your code, do you have any tips for speed on gae?
I have a vps and gae running the same code and the vps averages 200ms response times, where as app engine aver…
Hi again!
I'm curious about the need to use _$this->my_var_ while accessing data in templates. Is there any particular reason (performance, escaping etc.) for not using locally scoped variables like …
We have Element Damage... And `UsableItem` Effects, like add state, etc... But nothing combined.
What if, a stun wasn't just a stun, but an ICE stun? All rates are effected first by element resistanc…
Si se justifica usar uno, tenemos que definir cuál usar en función de lo que conocemos y/o cuánto tiempo implica aprender a usarlo.
Hi !
I've discovered Pagekit one week ago when I was searching for an alternative to Wordpress, and I've got to say that this CMS is pretty cool. It is a pleasure to code extensions and themes, and t…