Per @cryocity write up a quick 1 page letter mentioning that Jihoon will be the sub-award PI for his NSF records.
Looking at changes to the poles is central to a lot of polar science, but scientists often still have a hard time visualizing their data through time, especially in 2D formats appropriate for (for exa…
I have absolutely no idea how the website sessions are updated.
We need to document this so that sessions are logged and displayed on the site.
Working with Daisy, Mai, and Binh at USC to coordinate a press release, that @piim can also be a part of, and potentially JPL as well.
What will the two day event look like? What time will we start? How long will hacking sessions be? What time will lunch be served?
This rough draft should go before the program committee during a ta…
We need a slick logo and banner for the website. Help wanted! :)
[CC'd support at npmjs.org]
Hi, I am part of the Bokeh team. We are trying to publish the js portion of Bokeh (BokehJS) and have now had two unsuccessful attempts in a row, resulting in a package ver…
The equivalent of http://leafletjs.com/reference.html#map-maxbounds would be nice for editorial/datavis projects. Low priority.
cc @mourner @ansis
edenh updated
10 years ago
We would like to use the code in this Github project for research purposes (namely, adapting the code to create additional visualizations and tools from it). However, the project doesn't contain a lic…