### 使用的 Kraken 版本 | What version of kraken are you using
commit 5f658850ef41ebbc608e448b4f8fdd3f3aa75076
### 重现步骤 | Steps To Reproduce
➜ kraken git:(main) ✗ flutter…
Docker build errors out
Docker version: v 1.6.2 build 7c8fca2
Docker info:
Containers: 46
Images: 153
Storage Driver: aufs
Root Dir: /var/lib/docker/aufs
Backing Filesystem: extfs
### Issue details
I have been having some startup problems with browsersync and its UI running as an nginx reverse proxied server. see: https://github.com/BrowserSync/browser-sync/issues/1800
Hi @morishitter ,
I was juts wondering if this library is still maintain as I see so many unfixed issues that are pretty old.
Also the last release is 1 year old!
It would be nice to give your…
Win 10 user here.
I was having issues generating sourcemaps and it looks like this was due to an invalid version of `gulp-sourcemaps`. See below:
> $ npm list --depth=0
olympos-gulp@1.0.0 E:\w…
**Do you want to request a *feature* or report a *bug*?**
It's a bug.
**What is the current behavior?**
* using yarn 0.17.10 on Windows 10
* Create package.json like that:
Have you ever tried this?
I try but it pops up that I may use an appropriate loader to parse the file.
Firefox 32.0.0 (Windows 8.1) ERROR
ReferenceError: jasmineRequire is not defined
at c:/Work/Repos/Sample-project/BuildScripts/Gulp/node_modules/karma-jasmine-html-reporter-livereload/src/lib/html.…
I don't like it that the JSON keys all have the file name + its extension (type).
I hacked it in my copy of your code, but it's very bad changing the source code, because now we're not synced.
I've tried everything to get the table plugin to appear on redactor and it doesn't appear. Wondering if there is anyone else with this issue.
ghost updated
7 years ago