Initialize random number generator with srand() in classRF.cpp, otherwise
seedMT is seeded deterministically.
srand ( time(NULL) );
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Original iss…
Can we get the HRV measure part in mat or any other format like I have to save the HRV measure coming through the tool
_Originally posted by @pinanshu in https://github.com/MarcusVollmer/HRV/issues…
I downloaded the recommended dataset and ran demo_LiFE.m without making any change to the code or dataset. But I have received the following error
Error using histc
Edge vector must be…
Hi, can you explain how to prepare the .mat files for the codes? As I gather, the .txt files from the JIGSAWS dataset need to be imported into MATLAB, then they should be contacted into a multidimensi…
I am attempting to compile and run caffe on Windows, I had been able to compile on a different machine last year running Ubuntu and did not have any problems. Now on Windows I am having a probl…
Hi, nice job. I'm also working sentiment analysis. Just trying to see the performance of your model on our dataset. I was trying to run it using the default parameters. But I got the exception "LAPACK…
I am on a windows 10 with matlab r2015b and MinGW64. When I run make.m I encountered with `gcc: error: \-fexceptions: No such file or directory`. I solved it by changing `CFLAGS` to `COMPFLAGS`.
this issue is a stub for discussing support of duecredit in Matlab. Should be quite doable (may be without fancy decorators and injections, just collect and store to e.g. json or any other format for…
### Title
Exploding Brains *in Julia*
### Short description and the goals for the OHBM BrainHack
Particle simulations are used to generate visual effects (in [movies](https://www.youtube.com/…
My builds using pybind11 fail because Python.h cannot be found. How do i fix this?
I am building from Visual Studio 17.4.1, and my project has vcpkg integration switched on. Also manifest is on, in…