### Describe the bug
Had a custom server working in prod using adapter-node 1.0.0-next.52. After updating to 1.0.0-next.58, I changed the
import { assetsMiddleware, prerenderedMiddl…
### Describe the changes you'd like
There is a conflict with the name Signature. The standard `type Signature = Multisignature` in the runtime lib and
`::Signature` conflict. This causes problem …
substitute is surprisingly very efficient compared to bquote:
Hello there,
I managed to install WFSC and making it work, but I have two problems:
1) with MME drivers I am obliged to set to 1024 the Hardware Buffer size, otherwise it smears and slows audio …
ref: kubernetes/kubeadm#1796
sealos should meet the requriment when installl kubernetes!!!
**Describe the bug**
While Creating DAO autofilled with KUSAMA address of current polka account it not obvious that we must provide Treasury address also in that format.
**To Reproduce**
Steps to…
I have an expectation that table footers should be on the middle or right.
Does the current design expected, to have footers only on the left hand side.
This will be more important for bigger tables…
Describe The Task
I was looking at the polka UI for soundcheck and it seems like almost every block goes over the 6 second target. Like this one, took 10 seconds: