### Pitch
Version number information from lib/mastodon/version.rb is currently displayed to web site visitors, and via the API. I'd rather not advertise the version number of Mastodon that I'm runn…
I use WindowMaker on my work desktop, because I really like the look and feel.
Recently, I've been having to use an application which tries to do its own window management and it disables the titleb…
Vedi precedenti issue #780 e #908
Nella WA ambiente di Produzione, ancora manca la voce a menù per estrarre l'elenco. Quindi pensavo che la modifica non fosse ancora in produzione. Vedo però che nel…
Hey there,
I am seeking for email/contact to report security vulnerability which in the macOS application. Could someone please advise whom should I reach out for this?
I am working on a spring boot application where we are creating a restful service which on each call creates a Kernel in New Thread,
The application works perfectly fine when we calls are made separ…
## Description
**SameSite Cookie High-Level Overview:**
- This SameSite attribute restricts a browser from sending a cookie in various requests.
- In Open Liberty, SameSite is enabled via the ser…
# Context
Last month I opened an issue https://github.com/dwyl/cid/issues/11 that is a "**Blocker**" to the progress of ***all*** other work
(_both our Product(s) and Client work_). _We_ ***MUST*…
ein BWL studierender Kommilitone informierte mich heute darüber, dass es in der Android App zu fehlerhaften Einträgen zu der Vorlesung "Einführung Marketing" für BWL Semester 2b.
Eine Nachf…