Hi, I have a problem with run tests, and I don't know is it bug or I do something wrong.
I use async grpc server and async sqlalchemy in project, and want to write integration test.
I write next f…
- currently we need to use the `ulrllib` module to make our responses
- we should be able to use the `requests` module which will increase the usability of vcrpy as a whole
Strangest thing ever...
I'm using hyperclient to find a link in a root document, and then doing a _post on it with some json.
On one server this works fine.
On another, hyperclient posts the data c…
Tests such as `test_create_account_sas` don't contain record-able requests:
I imagine the vehicle placement system is the same between RCT1 and RCT2. Still, it would be very tedious to measure the distances between vehicles using an imported SV4 park. It would be nice if thes…
How is your QA environment in Responsys setup? Different server? Prefixed folders and contact lists?
tests will currently ocassionally invalidate when cr data changes, and some of these changes percolate through.
that is causing noise.
While studying AlloSphere rendering I ran into _al_WarpBlend.{c,h}pp_ which appears to be a previous incarnation of _al_OmniStereo.{c,h}pp_. After some grep-ing, I found that nothing in AlloSystem de…
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te lleva a una ley de cesion de tributos para Cataluña
defmodule AbrPayments.Api.V1.PaymentsControllerTest do
use AbrPayments.ConnCase
use ExUnit.Case, async: false
use ExVCR.Mock, adapter: ExVCR.Adapter.Httpc
setup_all do