Django Version: | 2.2.7
-- | --
/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/django/template/backends/django.py in reraise, line 84
Forgive me for failing Meteor 101, but I did this:
$ git clone https://github.com/yogiben/meteor-starter.git
$ cd meteor-starter
$ meteor
And got a lot of errors like this:
Definir las tecnologias principales por las que se regira el CMS. se ha comentado sobre hacer uso de Vue.js para el front-end.
Changer le design de l'application en intégrant le framework bootstrap.
Everyone, including me expects to have a list of all models of an app inside its main url. For example if I have an app named testapp and it has models named test1, test2, test3 I have to be able to s…
There is a very nice responsive schedule template on [codyhouse](https://codyhouse.co/gem/schedule-template/) we should steal from :-)
![screenshot from 2017-11-12 23-03-37](https://user-images.g…
At the moment, when switching Forms or SubForms, the DOMContentLoaded event is fired to try and get the AdminLTE JS to attach itself to whatever new components are on the page. The downside to this i…
I have many inline models that I would like to be nested in the admin interface.
The django-nested-admin works pretty well with standard django admin but not with jazzmin.
It would be great that jaz…
The href links to style sheets, JavaScript, etc. all start with href="/admin_l_t_e/...
Unsurprisingly, they do not seem to load as that location doesn't exist. Is this expected behaviour or another n…
First, Thank you for Jazzmin, your package is excellent !
I am a bit confused on JS issues on two things :
- when I add crispy-forms to my change_form, I get errors on select2 `Select2: An inst…