# Simple Binary Encoding | Jitwxs
一、前言 在本篇文章中,一起来学习下 SBE(Simple Binary Encoding) 传输协议,它和 protobuf 一样,都是二进制的传输协议,比 protobuf 传输性能更高,其涉及灵感来源于 fast binary variant of FIX,最初的涉及目标就是为了应用于金融级的低延迟交易系统中。在开源软件 …
We should consider expanding the landscape to include other financial services open source / open standards projects. Here is a candidate list for addition. Please add more ideas in the comments below…
I am trying to get started using Aeron on some long read data generated from murine macrophages. I am attempting to build the graph using the following command, but get the output below and …
I am running Aeron on our institute's LSF cluster. When I run the fusion snakefile, the loose_gene_fusion file has >157K putative fusions. With 60 cores, the fusionfinder rule processes only 50…
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@slickim @Aeron-Jay-Tapia @D0cjay @Xiena12 @Aryanjake @janin9 @Cix-prim
Need an acronym, or a name, for such a style..!
As suggested by and discussed with @tsoiland and @ksaua, the idea is effectively as such: The StageProcessor will read messages from an incoming mess…
when i try to compile the source in my local, there was an error in code of **SystemCounterDescriptor** that is can not find the class of **MediaDriverVersion**.
import io.aeron.Ae…
I used the new version of Aeron, but when I run the step of "rule fusionfinder" in the Snakefile_fusion, there always have the error.
The log file is :
Fusion finder Branch develop commit f9a…
**TL;DR**: Should pub-pos be greater than pub-lmt?
Hi, I was testing a combination of tethered and untethered IPC subscriptions, with the following options:
When I run the following job (tried multiple times) it seems to import certain ranges of mysql ids but not all (for example ids 1-16538, 104023-164xxx, 1060xxx-1640xxx made it but the ones in b/w did …