> I thought this would be usefull.
# Abstract
You have written some hardware design using amaranth-hdl, that you wish to promote into a library in order to reuse it in another project ?
You als…
# Aggregate data structure library RFC
## Summary
Add a rich set of standard library classes for accessing hierarchical aggregate data an idiomatic way, to fill one of the two major use cases …
For example, when using Past() with or without domain="sync", the DomainRenamer would
not replace it with the target domain.
It seems I can write something like `m.d.comb += Assert(Past(signal) == 0)`. If `multiclock` is off in the sby file, what exactly is `Past`?
Here's an example. First, `example.py`:
thanks for sharing this code!
What is the license, if I want to integrate
parts of this into my own code?
Best regards,
Commit 470b6873ca2cf539be0699c387067b873485cb31
broke the build on OrangeCrab, using https://github.com/gregdavill/valentyusb/tree/hw_cdc_eptri
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./make.p…