**What I'm trying to do**
I am trying to set up the Aries Go Framework on a mobile device. I built the .aar and included it in the Android project. I implemented the `Provider` and `Store` interfac…
Hello fellow developers, I was struggling little on integrating `Postgres DB` with arise dot net framework.
so I have my database running. I was wondering how do I configure the framework to use `Pos…
### CreateBackupAsync and RetrieveBackupAsync(or RestorFromBackupAsync) in Hyperledger.Aries.Routing.IEdgeClientService
I have few questions regarding Wallet Backups:
1. **Are these methods capab…
Hi there,
we are using aries-framework-javascript in 2 instances:
- as a mobile agent, using react-native
- as a mediator, using node in Docker
Credentials themselves are issued using aca-py.
Currently, the wasm size is around 8.3MB and its built with go bin. We can look to use [tinygo](https://tinygo.org/) inorder to reduce the wasm size.
BCovrin Test instance of the BC Endorser service:
- [aries-endorser-agent-bcovrin](https://console.apps.silver.devops.gov.bc.ca/k8s/ns/4a9599-test/deploymentconfigs/aries-endorser-agent-bcovrin)
Sovrin MainNet instance of the BC Endorser service:
- [aries-endorser-agent-sovrin](https://console.apps.silver.devops.gov.bc.ca/k8s/ns/4a9599-prod/deploymentconfigs/aries-endorser-agent-sovrin)
Sovrin TestNet instance of the BC Endorser service:
- [aries-endorser-agent-sovrin](https://console.apps.silver.devops.gov.bc.ca/k8s/ns/4a9599-test/deploymentconfigs/aries-endorser-agent-sovrin)
The following question was raised in today's B call:
How does a recipient know the purpose served by each attachment in a message? If Alice sends two pictures to Bob, how does Bob's agent know whic…
After successful connections with issuer we are seeing this issue while creating the offer. Attached error screenshots here
![Screenshot from 2024-08-14 15-05-37](https://github.com/user-attachments/…