Develop API endpoints to handle appointment bookings and ensure time slot availability.
As a user, I want to receive an email confirmation when I book an appointment.
Provide immediate feedback to the user upon successful booking.
Develop API endpoints to handle appointment bookings and ensure time slot availability.
From [SyncLinear.com](https://synclinear.com) | [CAL-4770](https://linear.app/calcom/issue/CAL-4770/add-no-show-bookings-to-insights)
As a user, I want to receive an email confirmation when I book an appointment.
Provide immediate feedback to the user upon successful booking.
Develop API endpoints to handle appointment bookings and ensure time slot availability.
- [ ] Add rule event listener "bookingoption_created" to booking rules
- [ ] Add condition "all users in course"
- [ ] As a plus: Possibility to specify role of the users in the given course
As a **role** I can **capability** so that **received benefit**
- Acceptance criteria 1
- Acceptance criteria 2
- Acceptance criteria 3