**Metaxa2**: Improved Identification and Taxonomic Classification of Small and Large Subunit rRNA in Metagenomic Data
vmikk updated
4 months ago
For now, the domain classifier is initialized in the DomainAwareModule. This leads to an unclear setup for new users because someone who wants to avoid adversarial can have to deal with domain classif…
## Original Task
Citing from the original course task:
> Training a strong Hebrew Sentence Encoder from a pretrained Decoder While recent years
have brought many additions to the open-source set …
Hey @sunovivid, great work, and congrats on the paper's acceptance at ECCV!
I would like to reproduce the results, and I have the following questions related to the hyperparameters:
1. **How man…
* EDA Question
* Sample question from data -> LLM to generate intent
* Build intent classifier
* 8 type of question / use cases of rag
* Question correlation in chat
* EDA Chat:
* Chat le…
In the classifier example given, there are no parameters for learning rate and n_iter_no_change, therefor the example isnt working as is.
{'task': 'classification',…
Thank you for the great work.
Based on my understanding of the joint diffusion model described in your paper, I believe that when the FLAG `train_noised_classifier` is set to False, the fully denoi…
### Question
I have been trying to implement server side sentiment analysis using this [tutorial](https://huggingface.co/docs/transformers.js/main/en/tutorials/next#prerequisites) but its in Javascri…
I am interested in using this new fungal classifier. I am trying to run the classifier on Qiime2. It is mentioned here https://github.com/mirand863/hitac?tab=readme-ov-file#pre-trained-models …
Thanks for sharing this great work with the community.
In the published paper, you mention you guys utilize a metric called `Style Score`. Since that metric requires a trained classifier …