We recently switched our project from using Cocoapods to Swift Package Manager. Is there any possibility to use mokoMvvmFlowSwiftUI without using Cocoapods, so we can use MOKO MVVM with SwiftUI?
make this a pod
Hi ,
Our project still support Cocoapods and addition of ` PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy` will make us to move the latest version of **swift nio ssl** else it may reject the application . due to that i am t…
**Fleet version**: Observed in 4.59.0 **and** Fleet 0.0.0-SNAPSHOT-8f94247
### 💥 Actual behavior
After uploading the Microsoft Company Portal app as a custom package, Fleet names the softwa…
Hey, could you please update the cocoapods specs. It is still linking to an old version where the strlen fix is not preent.
I'd be cool to also add Cocoapods support. I done this implementation myself last month for my library. Just follow [this post](https://guides.cocoapods.org/making/making-a-cocoapod.html) and [this ch…
why not support cocoapods?
Hi there,
Any plan for updating Cocoapods or do we need to install the repo manually?