Beacause of MacOS 10.15 Catelina not found , the mailcore2.project under the "bulild-Mac" directory faild
Extract the .zip file or .tar.gz file,can not find configure file,and the build will failed.
Now that we have migrated to a newer GCC in CI, we should no longer need any Linux-only dependencies on GCC due to needing to support newer C++ standards.
We should discuss the best strategy for do…
Ich wollte die Erweiterung unter Contao 3.5.34 testen, nach der Installation und der Aktualisierung der Datenbank, bekomme ich beim Versuch, ein FE-Modul anzulegen folgenden Fehler:
IIUC this package provides a pixel version of the [deprecated ColorizedArray](https://github.com/JuliaImages/Images.jl/pull/927). Now I can see that this is a useful concept in fluorophore imaging. Co…
### `brew config` output
HOMEBREW_VERSION: 3.5.10-51-g7617109
ORIGIN: https://github.com/Homebrew/brew
HEAD: 7617109d43060aa0225f774bad9971bcbd166e15
Last commit: 10 minutes ago
Core tap…
As the AppImage said the template file that was included doesn't work (see screenshot - weasyprint installed via pip3, not sure whether it's actually included or needs to be available on the system...…
Moini updated
3 years ago
After following the [guide](https://learn.hashicorp.com/tutorials/nomad/vault-pki-nomad?in=nomad/integrate-vault#configure-consul-template) I now have a consul-template to generate new certi…