你好,当我运行到软链接一步时,之后运行client_ros.py时,出现错误:no module named darknet_ros_msgs.msg
At first it can run normally, but after a few run, it shows the following error :
at line 126 in /tmp/binarydeb/ros-noetic-tf2-0.7.6/src/buffer_core.cpp
Warning: Invalid argument passed to canTran…
I run "git clone --recursive https://github.com/pushkalkatara/darknet_ros.git"
and then "catkin bt", but I've got this error.
"ros/src/darknet_ros_prv/darknet/src/unistd.h:10:16: fatal error…
I just noticed the detection system marks the bounding boxes as having been detected at `boundingBoxesResults_.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();
Wouldn't it make more sense to publish the time …
https://github.com/IntelligentRoboticsLabs/gb_visual_detection_3d/blob/melodic/darknet_ros_3d/src/darknet_ros_3d/Darknet3D.cpp#L64 causes out of time range exceptions when using sim_time (Supposedly d…
I am using the image `dustynv/ros:melodic-ros-base-l4t-r32.6.1`. I set the `/etc/docker/daemon.json` as it is described in the [Read.me](https://github.com/dusty-nv/jetson-containers#docker-default-r…
When run darknet_ros_3d, there is a warn message camera\depth\registered\point with qos-reliability best-effort and not message will be sent. and never it is published darket_ros_3d\markeArray topi…
https://github.com/IntelligentRoboticsLabs/gb_visual_detection_3d/blob/melodic/darknet_ros_3d/src/darknet_ros_3d/Darknet3D.cpp#L168 It's better to use a rosparam threshold instead hardcoded value of 2…
There is darknet_ros version for darknet here - https://github.com/leggedrobotics/darknet_ros
But this is very slow compared to this version of the darknet.
I was trying to integrate this version wi…
Hi, I got this yolov4-for-darknet_ros works, can output a window with objects are detected.
But when I check the rostopics be published and try to use the rqt_image_view to load and show the rostopi…