I'm compiling SimEx from the develop branch, but I'm hitting a wall. System is Ubuntu 18.04 LTS. I'm using Intel compliers (OpenAPI 4.4.20(1), ifort and icc version 2021.3.0).
After I set up the en…
**Submitting author:** @SnirMeiri (Snir Meiri)
**Repository:** https://github.com/SnirMeiri/LCOI_local_crystalline_orientation_identifier
**Branch with paper.md** (empty if default branch):
粘贴长文本超过 8000 tokens (文章全文)到对话框,几乎每次都会卡住,有时候崩溃,有时候会响应比较久。
win 客户端
The Allotrope data model provides a semantic description of HDF5, and relation between binary HDF5 and RDF data (eg to the W3C Cube ontologies).
Has the working group studied the Allotrope approach…
@CJ-Wright commented on [Sat Sep 02 2017](https://github.com/xpdAcq/xpdAn/issues/136)
Now that we have some reduced data in the pipeline we are ready to start plotting some interesting QOIs.
- [ ]…
Some of the developers over at pyxem were talking about adding in support for dynamic type simulations/ 4-D STEM https://github.com/pyxem/diffsims/issues/170. abTEM came up as a good alternative whi…
@sbillinge and @timoHMM are here, and here is what we understand about how the scientific content of SrXplanar works.
# crop
tth = gen_th_matrix(rotation, tilt, center, distance)
q = tth_to_q(tth…
**Date**: Feb 8th
**Time**: 2pm UK time ([other times](https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/meetingdetails.html?year=2022&month=2&day=8&hour=14&min=0&sec=0&p1=43&p2=136&p3=37&p4=771&p5=240&p6=5&p7=…
There are several drawbacks to the way the current GUI works:
* only works well for square-ish scan regions and square-ish frames. tall or very wide scans are scaled down without a way to zoom in