$ /mingw64/bin/emacs --version
GNU Emacs 28.2
Copyright (C) 2022 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
You may redistribute copies of GNU Emacs
under th…
Hi! I'd like to try and port this theme to emacs, with your permission.
Given that it's ok, did you follow any type of guidelines when making the theme? It could be useful for situations where emac…
Please check following discuss:
Following blue color is really hard to read.
zw963 updated
2 years ago
Expected behaviour (`st` terminal with Gruvbox colours):
Actual behaviour (`vterm` wi…
emacs 27.1
emacs.d commit: 4a5776a28c4717c6e99a71437d44e903602aa7e1
debug-init message:
Debugger entered--Lisp error: (error "Package ‘darkburn-theme-’ is unavailable")
signal(error (…
Manual installation of the theme works, but if I try to install the theme from Melpa (with `(use-package color-theme-solarized)`) I get the following error:
Warning (initialization): An error oc…
My system is emacs-snapshot with Spacemacs 0.200.9. When emacs was started, the previous instance of moe-theme was removed by Spacemacs and the following messages were left:
Found 1 orphan pac…
I've consistently had this issue with solarized-dark, installed from melpa or directly cloning this repo.
I can use solarized-light, but M-x load-theme solarized-dark gives `load-theme: Invalid theme…
When I run `emacs -q`, open Term mode using `M-x term`, and run `git diff` in one of my repositories, any trailing whitespace is displayed as a bright red box. If I then enable Solarized...
``` lisp
## What's wrong
I've tried to install `vertico-prescient` package, which fails, and the error recommended that I update my straight repos using `straight-pull-recipe-repositories`. When I did this,…