when trying to install web3j via brew on my mac I get the following error:
~ brew tap web3j/web3j
==> Tapping web3j/web3j
Cloning into '/usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Taps/web3j/homebrew…
**Quick questions**
OS: Win10
HOI4 version: Newest
Kaiserreich version: Master, pulled ~1300 GMT
List any other mods used: German flag mod
Were you using Steam? Yes
Were you in multiplayer? No
I simply generate contract with command line
`epirus solidity generate --abiFile=contracts/UniswapV2RouterContract.abi --outputDir=src/main/java --package=com.app.contracts`
The result is in U…
are you planning to update the formula to the latest web3j version (4.8.1) ?
I'm looking for load contract from abi
So I use the epirus solidity generate -a=abi/MyContract.abi -o=src/main/java -p=com.my.app
The contract class is generated with an error : this i…
**Quick questions**
HOI4 version: 1.10.3
Kaiserreich version: 0.16
**Describe the change you would like:**
The in-game state of Mugla or the Sanjak of Menteşe should be merged back with the re…
Fresh install on Ubuntu
`docker-compose pull`
> WARNING: The NODE_ENDPOINT variable is not set. Defaulting to a blank string.
> ERROR: Version in "./docker-compose.yml" is unsupported. You migh…
**Quick questions**
HOI4 version:
Kaiserreich version:
Most recent
List any other mods used:
Were you using Steam?
Were you in multiplayer?
Which expansi…
Some errors that I'm getting... Maybe you happen to know to resolve them?
### Total Peers: -1
**Quick questions**
OS: Win 10
HOI4 version: 0.13.2
Kaiserreich version: 1.9.3
List any other mods used: KR Music Mod, German flag mod
Were you using Steam? Yes
Were you in multiplayer? No