Before anything thanks @larsbrinkhoff for the random invite to the group. This is great.
I've finally got my game engine up on github. It's split into 2 repos - originally it was a Mercurial projec…
What do you think is the spirit of Forth (the system, the language and programming) ?
* For me this is the reduction, or better elimination, of complexity. If I try to reduce the complexity and hav…
Hey Alex, to optimize how dict's data loaded to GPU, should be great to give more data in bulk to reduce moving data back and forth and reduce time lost for data loading and workload adjusting.
CARLA version: carla-dev build from source
Platform/OS: Ubuntu 22.04
Problem you have experienced:
I'm using the sumo carla co-sim in another repo. It is controlling vehicles in sumo and then use …
Add a roachtest for https://github.com/cockroachdb/cockroach/issues/125241.
Maybe also add one for a mixed-version cluster.
Jira issue: CRDB-39351
Epic CRDB-37522
Hi, I have found a bug while scrubbing an mp4 video it doesn't update but skpping and only shows a frame when the scru…
I'll implement https://github.com/exercism/problem-specifications/tree/main/exercises/forth
Created by @ matthew:matrix.org.
Should also be able to use left & right arrows
Being able to transfer inventories back and forth between essential's lan worlds would be the best thing I could ever hope for. I talked back and forth about it in their discord before discovering you…
## Proposal
A user may start with a particular template but then feel like extending it. A basic express template can be extended with a Postgres, MySQL or Redis as an add-on. In such a scenario, i…