Eventually we need this https://youtu.be/64PMzvgygSM
Perhaps it's not the way that software-developing works, but for other "project management"-activities it would be great to have gantt-charts. i guess most of the data that is needed to generate them …
Deadline: 15/9/22
Show Selected nodes in Gantt chart by hilighting the blobs of selected nodes. Alternately, add a "selected" rectangle behind them. Click to toggle selection on that node.
#### Expected behaviour
I am binding a Line Chart dynamically with both Solid Lines (dashStyle : "") and Dash Lines (dashStyle: 'dash') . and I am able to see expected number of solid and dashed line…
#### Expected behaviour
I have created 2 draggable line in the chart when i move one of the draggable line(towards other) it keeps on effecting the other draggable line
#### Actual behaviour
Currently, there is no possibility to use smaller units than a **day**.
I'd suggest adding
- **hours/minutes** for more precise charts (Especially if we have shorter tasks like 4hours or 1hour30m…
Gantt Chart won't open for me... I'm using a computer in B09