Following on conversation from https://github.com/mongodb-js/electron-installer-dmg/pull/25#issuecomment-386624960:
@MarshallOfSound is interested in moving `electron-installer-dmg` and `electron-s…
**Describe the bug**
While playing Endless primarily using Primal Kyogre, I've noticed that Primordial Sea periodically stops working. The effect is gone from the fly-out and there's no indicator a…
I created the corsika branch and added an input card I used to make a testing of the production for protons.
There are a number of points I would like to clarify for corsika generation:
- Which cor…
Hi All,
does anyone know how i can extract some kinda of DCA for the particles (which we use for HF jet identification) Is there a way we can get this either in the text output or like in an analysi…
Several pull requests are on hold for indefinite time because travis-ci doesn't finish its checks. I don't know well enough how it works. Was it connected to Martin's account? How can it be fixed?
Starting with the Python implementation of the runner we have to specify a theory whenever we want to generate a grid, for instance
./rr run TEST_RUN_SH theories/theory_200.yaml
I think we s…
According to [Moriond17 recommendations](https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/viewauth/CMS/MissingETOptionalFiltersRun2#Moriond_2017).
But despite them saying "Note that with the in the re-miniaod you wil…
The particle accelerator is a bit frustrating since you give it some rather rare resources, only for it to inform you it failed for whatever reason. I'd argue the first useful thing would be for it to…
I wrote a package [1] which derives from StatsBase and implements histograms with errors on the bin contents. Such histograms are heavily used for high-energy physics @ the Large Hadron Collider. Prev…
This is something that I've wanted to discuss for a while now but never really got around to.
The conventional physical normalisation of a PS correlator is:
A^2 * ( exp(-E_pst) + exp(-E_ps(…