### What happened?
Does Knative Serving work and supported inside of a vCluster? Knative Serving will install and we can serve traffic. We see sporadic issues where queue-proxy/user-container pods …
I have deployment of knative-serving with 3 replicas of knative-serving & 3 replicas of net-kourier contollers with pod anti-affinity such as each pod on each node & pdb of 66% so always 2 pods are …
## In what area(s)?
/area autoscale
## Describe the feature
Although Knative autoscaling can maintain a number of minimum replicas per revision, I think this is only limited to actions that…
One piece that will help producing the final artifacts is to remove the need to have a local packaging (off container build) with multi stage builds:
I'm trying to have hermetic builds for a Java project using Maven in Konflux, however, since cachi2 doesn't support caching maven dependencies, the only reasonable way I found was to create an interme…
## Expected Behavior
The following items need to be vertically center aligned according to the [Design files](https://www.figma.com/design/3arTeN4tR3byPKSkrzTibp/Knative-Website?node-id=281-2598&…
This issue is a:
* [ ] Bug Report
* [X] Enhancement suggestion
* [ ] Feature request
If the issue concerns an existing Marketplace application, please tag the maintainer of the application (foun…
**Describe the bug**
There are a few lint errors we need to fix https://github.com/knative-extensions/eventing-kafka-broker/actions/runs/10079854577/job/27868194009?pr=4005
**Expected behav…
**Describe the bug**
The same resource is duplicated in eventing-kafka-post-install and so on.
https://www.telekom.de/start using Knative: The serving parts for their internal "rest services". Motivation was cost-saving, since the services just ran while some batches were executed, which feed d…