The read_tiff function seems like it will error for any non-imagej formatted image written by tifffile -- and perhaps any non-imagej tiff whatsoever -- as tifffile's read function wil…
Hello developers,
I would like to calculate the total volume of an arbitrary sphere based SDF object. For now I am casting the SDF to a mesh and then use that to calculate the volume. However, writ…
Hey I am trying to install pytorch3d on my windows, i have tried few pytorch (2.1 cu 11.8/1.13 cu11.6) versions and it always come to this bug via x64-Native-tools cli...
What am i doing wrong?
Autoencoder decoder
- Input: Marching Cubes mesh generated from TSDF (output of GRNET or even already generated target meshes). We apply it the texture of incomplete color input mesh. Shape of Input …
In test.py, `save_vox_to_obj(model.voxel.data.cpu().numpy(), 0.5 if not use_df else 0.85, obj_name)`. Why th parameter 'th' is 0.85 instead of 0.01 for default of ios_th.
`def save_vox_to_obj(voxel,…
Convert_3DGS_to_Mesh_with_NeRF_and_Marching_Cubes has built-in training parameter
nerf node, the higher the number of training steps, the better the effect, because you have built-in training step…
I'm unable to deploy on kaggle (py version: Python 3.10.13), plz mention the py version u have deployed this project.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/kaggle/…
Hi! I train the model with this code:
model = TSR(img_size=image_size, depth=16, embed_dim=768, num_channels=1024, num_layers=16, cross_attention_dim=768, radius=40, valid_thresh=0.001, num_…
http://jamie-wong.com/2016/07/15/ray-marching-signed-distance-functions/ SDF and Ray Marching (https://github.com/stasilo/retrace.gl)
Marching cubes is super fast, but very dumbly, just reading the meshes out is slow. We should fix this.