It has actually been broken in the `allAnnotations` query for quite a while. [This code](https://github.com/metaspace2020/metaspace/blob/f519fb8dafef31e448a8d8a68138d13c7c5f2788/metaspace/graphql/src/…
- Metaspace committed memory
- Code cache memory
- Thread stacks memory (see https://github.com/apangin/jstackmem)
In JDK 8, jstat display Metaspace's statistics, but not PermGen's.
Are FDR values comparable for samples processed concurrently and annotated against the same database in Metaspace? More specifically, is the decoy database calculated separately for each dataset, or o…
To reproduce: create a new project, set `fork in Test := false`, and then repeatedly run `test` until you get a `java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Metaspace`
Here's a sample project: https://github.com/benm…
When JAX-WS RI is deployed on the latest versions of Java 7 or Java 8, each call to javax.xml.ws.Service.getPort() generates a new set of proxy classes. This fills up PermGen/MetaSpace. The issue is a…
+ cd build/linux-riscv64-normal-server-release/hotspot/linux_riscv_compiler2/generated
+ bash -c '/usr/bin/g++ -DLINUX -D_GNU_SOURCE -DRISCV64 -DPRODUCT -I. -I/home/yansendao/git/riscv-port-jdk8…
### Steps to reproduce
Pre-requirements / current state:
* Have a space with the "People" section of the room list turned on (Space preferences, "People" checked)
* Have the "People" metaspace en…
运行在java8 上使用jaxb处理xml,metaspace会出现内存泄露
We have a trino cluster with 40 nodes running, and all of them hang up suddenly. After checking the log, it is caused by metaspace oom. Then I checked the heap dump and found that there are many Class…