Bug report for Colab: http://colab.research.google.com/.
For questions about colab usage, please use [stackoverflow](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/google-colaboratory/).
- Describe …
### Cautions:
**Before starting the task, please refer to [Add data of ML-YouTube-Courses](https://github.com/orgs/ocademy-ai/projects/3/views/1?filterQuery=label%3Adata&pane=issue&itemId=36101499)…
I see your test is just call your C++ API. Do you consider in your project, you accept one trained tensorflow model and then emit LLVM IR, JIT it and execute it?
I saw the pre-trained network ResNet, etc. Are there any newer ones, or can I train them myself?
Folowing the tutorial from the notebook https://github.com/onnx/tensorflow-onnx/blob/master/tutorials/ConvertingSSDMobilenetToONNX.ipynb I am trying to work with a mobilenetv2 and v3 frozen models fro…
### System information
- **Have I written custom code (as opposed to using a stock example script
provided in TensorFlow)**: No
- **OS Platform and Distribution (e.g., Linux Ubuntu 16.0…
# Batch Normalization: Accelerating Deep Network Training by Reducing Internal Covariate Shift
Any plans to support Keras Conv1D layers in a Sequential model?
[Keras Convolutional layer documentation](https://keras.io/layers/convolutional/)
I'm using `Node-RED v1.0.4` on `Docker` on the latest MacBook Pro 13'' hardware in MacOS Catalina.
Whenever I put the node in any flow, an error appears like this:
> Error: Error loading shared …