Android is designed primarily for mobile devices, where its users deal with
multi-digit phone numbers. Presently, text to speech engines read phone numbers
wholely, decreasing speed, efficiency …
Android is designed primarily for mobile devices, where its users deal with
multi-digit phone numbers. Presently, text to speech engines read phone numbers
wholely, decreasing speed, efficiency …
Android is designed primarily for mobile devices, where its users deal with
multi-digit phone numbers. Presently, text to speech engines read phone numbers
wholely, decreasing speed, efficiency …
Here is a list of all the features added to Visual Basic since VB13, we need to check that each feature is documented in the specification.
- [ ] Null Propagating Opera…
Let's introduce `jcabi-cash` with `com.jcabi.cash.Cash` class for multi-currency monetary values:
``` java
Cash cash = new Cash("USD 120.50")
.precision(3) // three digits after dot, instead of def…
I have encountered the following problem:
Newly created GREP Find&Replace with 3 digit numbering at the beginning of the search query are not sorted in the correct order.
due to limited space on my primary OS partition I wanted to move the /var/lib/digits/ directory (jobs) to another internal drive.
I followed the information given by:
### Problem description
A format not as common as time stamps but still common enough to potentially warrant a parser are "duration stamps": e.g. what stop watches show.
Examples that currently ca…
Hello - hope this message finds you well.
I am reading data from 5/8" Neptune Aquity t-10 meters, set up as sub-meters in a multi unit building, hooked up to old R900
transmitters (FCC ID: P2SNTGS…
Every time I want to multi-forward emails, I keep getting the message that I have to authenticate it! Why do I have to keep doing this - ?!
I live in a very poor phone reception area. I have the 2-st…