ASP.NET MVC projects have a set of ASPNET-specific appsettings. These shouldn't be needed in ASP.NET Core and shouldn't be automatically migrated to the appsettings.json file. Without looking too deep…
I'd like to see HotTowel support for the new VS 2013 Web ASP.net MVC 5 project directly.
I tried to use the NuGet package and see if I could get it to work but the references aren't updated to EntityF…
This template is munched. wont even load in visual studio 2013.
Here is the error. "Creation of virtual directory http://spaAuth.localtest.me:65489 failed with the error: Cannot create the Web site…
When installing the latest nuget package (3.2.1), I noticed that disposable components in request scope were no longer properly cleaned up (Dispose() not called at request end). When downgrading to 3.…
In addition to installing the template into the current project folder, how can directly replace or add the vs.net default global templates.
In VSTemplate files it is possible to define SolutionFolder nodes. Would it be possible to add this option to Pecan waffle also?
We've been using Combres for a long time and recently upgraded to v2.3.0.4 after one of our test servers experienced an issue where it failed to load JS/CSS resources. Although as it turns out that di…
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$(document).ready(function () {
With the multi-select option, the behavior I am expecting is when an item is deleted (by clicking on the cross), it is also deselected from the drop down.
In some cases, this is occurring ok, but in …