## Feature Name
## Feature Description
Research about NVIDIA
NVIDIA is a leading technology company known for its graphics processing units (GPUs) and its advancements …
음... 걍 잘 모르겠어서 빠르게 날로 먹기 위해 서베이 논문을 찾음.
# NeRF: Neural Radiance Field in 3D Vision, A Comprehensive Review (TPAMI 2022)
이 서베이 논문에 포함된 범위는 CVPR 2022, 그니까 2022년 6월까지의 내용을 담고 있다고함.
NeRF 첫 논문: ECCV…
project: https://marcoamonteiro.github.io/pi-GAN-website/ [CVPR2021]
paper: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2012.00926.pdf
code: https://github.com/marcoamonteiro/pi-GAN
contrast work: HoloGAN, GRAF
@ashawkey friendly ping
We are reaching a point where text/2D to 3D assets are of sufficiently high quality to be used as assets in indie video games.
The issue as for the practicality of this is at…
Appetizer for 3D, Neural rendering with GAN, GIRAFFE, CVPR2021 best paper
- https://a…
Neural Surface Reconstruction and Rendering for LiDAR-Visual Systems, arXiv, 2024. is neural implicit SLAM.
# Sponsor
- VRCREW 엔지니어 채용
- [회사 페이지 링크](https://www.vrcrew.com/technology)
- [채용 공고 링크](https://www.vrcrew.com/careers)
- VRCREW 라이다 & 3D 스캐너 중고판매
Thank you for the amazing work and the code. I was wondering if you have already implemented a feature to extract the objects from the scene in ".obj" or ".ply". Or if you have not intended to impleme…
NeuroBEM: Hybrid Aerodynamic Quadrotor Model. (arXiv:2106.08015v1 [cs.RO])
Quadrotors are extremely agile, so much in fact, that classic first-principle-models come to their lim…
After a certain number of epochs, I am getting black image as output as shown in the image. The training seems to be converging in the beginning; however, it fails after a few epochs.
The losses al…