Dear Sir
I appreciate your help if you can support this modem to be add to the list of modemband package . It will be great if this package worked on new 5G/4G modems...
Modem : FM190W-GL
ghost updated
4 months ago
In the following code:
# loop over segments
# a segment is always connected to 2 nodes
# pdb.set_trace()
for s in useg:
# get point index of th…
Hey there,
First of all thank you for sharing this repo with the public. Really cool project!
Rearding the opened issue: I experience currently a problem with MCTS in `def getActionProb`, namely…
Currently we can't deploy to openshift because of `nsa-frontend` submodule. OpenShift tries to clone `nsa-frontend` but unable to access it.
Need further investigation how to setup submodule for Ope…
Argus Endpoint is a project to develop a formal approach to addressing the limited internal network monitoring issue outlined by the NSA / CISA.
Was schutzt gegen wem?
- NSA/BND/GCHQ Massenüberwachung
- NSA/BND/GCHQ gezielte Überwachung
- Andere Regierungen z.B. China
- ISP / eMail Dienstleister
- Arbeitgeber
- Mitbewohner z.B. misshandelnder …
When running `trivy k8s compliance=nsa report summary` command
The scores seem to go down "significantly" once we deploy OPA Gatekeeper with restrictive enforcement policies.
We are unable to exp…
My command:
`dotnet.exe .\Downloader.dll --ga GRCh38 -o D:\NirvanaDB_2\`
Version of downloader: 3.18.1-0-g05f88047
I always get `truncated` for the same three dbs:
DANN_20200205.gsa (GR…
**Note:** this is a fabricated, fake AP article. When reading it, you might want to pretend it's real. The nature of an NSL is that we can never know whether or when Keybase has received one.
> By …
ghost updated
6 years ago
Currently, Firefox 57 for Android disables NSA. Is there any possibility of a patch or fix?