In addition to Concepts linked to Works, emit concepts linked to authors, sources, and institutions (via the experimental `x_concepts` property):
- https://docs.openalex.org/api-entities/authors/auth…
Hi Aaron,
It is great to see the ROR and OpenAlex ids coming into the data. However, I have a couple of comments. In the raw ROR data the id is a url e.g [https://ror.org/019wvm592](https://ror.or…
The following code returns with a 403 error from openalex:
oa_fetch(title.search = "Hello, John", entity = "works")
Error: OpenAlex API request failed [403]
Invalid query parameters error.
Summary of request: Add a new organization to ROR
Add record:
Name of organization: Escola de Direito de São Paulo da Fundação Getulio Vargas*pt
Website: https://direitosp.fgv.br/
Summary of request: Add a new organization to ROR
Add record:
Name of organization: Escuela Normal Superior del Estado*es
Website: https://ense.mx
Domains: ense.mx
Link to publications: ISSN 10…
`Mundotêxtil -> Ontotext`: How did this happen?
author_position: "middle",
author: {
id: "https://openalex.org/A4…
In testing the University of Arizona College of Medicine Tucson staff data, I found that there is a high percentage of staff who are not affiliated with "The University of Arizona".
If using "Univ…
**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.**
Not related to a problem, but OpenAlex is also CC0 and strong interoperability with Wikidata can be encouraged by visibility in Scho…
egonw updated
2 years ago
To show the external profiles of an entity (institutions, authors, etc.) Guatquyca is parsing a list of IDs and building the URL to make a clickable link for the user: