**Describe The Bug:**
Accessories disappeared from accessories pane in UI/X. Errors showing in logs.
**To Reproduce:**
Occurring consistently without any action taken.
**Expected behavio…
### The problem
The current integration does not display freeze mode nformation. According to the developer of screenlogicpy the following is already available just not being addressed by the plugi…
Hey @parnic! This is long overdue, but I'm finally at a place where I can integrate direct Screenlogic control into [nodejs-poolController](https://github.com/tagyoureit/nodejs-poolController). I've…
### The problem
I'm only seeing 1 of my lights in home assistant as a light, yet in the pentair I see many more lights.
See more details at https://github.com/dieselrabbit/screenlogicpy/issues/30
For the past few weeks, the value sensor.intellichlor_20_salt_required has been zero even though the target salt level is several hundred ppm above the reported salt level in the pool. I am running v…
I found your project when looking around the Share Your Projects forum on the Home Assistant site. I am using the nodejs Pool Controller and its associated HA integration & have been very happy with …
Like the title says, since Pentair updated their iOS app, none of my pool features work via HOOBS/Homekit. At first it was just my pool circuit, then when I tried to check all of my credentials, every…
Thanks for the great idea and implementation.
I'm very excited and interested in using the Screenlogic API.
Managed to install and run it. Console output attached below at the bottom
## Version:
ha-porscheconnect 0.0.8
Home Assistant OS 8.2
## Configuration
## Describe the bug
Not sure it is a integration bug, don't hesitat…
### Feedback
Please let us know how to use Color Mode.
I can change colors by going into services, but wife and kids aren't going to figure that out. When they open the light in the dashboard, the…