Dear Authors,
Thank you for sharing this amazing work!
I have a question when running 'precomputing flow...', Pycharm prompts' FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ='third_party/…
When you click on a large sandbox cluster, it can take quite some time to compute. Is it possible to precompute the graph, or cache it after it is calculated the first time? I think that is a potent…
It seems the precomputed features are specific to the original dataset. It cannot be transferred to new, unseen data using the same representation model.
I have gotten the trained representation cif…
It's already possible to `shift` bins in order to align sequences, but if one wants to align everything, for example, at a certain gene, those coordinates have to be manually precomputed and given to …
Here's my code:
import umap
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
cossims = pd.read_feather("wiki_rule_cosinesimilarities.feather")
distmat = 1 - np.matrix(cossims.iloc[:,0:cossims.shape[…
Right now we have users pass in `precompute=True` or `precompute=False` to change how the model is organized under the hood. There's not much guidance as to why they would choose one vs the other, so …
julia> using Oceananigans, OrthogonalSphericalShellGrids, ClimaOcean
Precompiling ClimaOcean
3 dependencies successfully precompiled in 9 seconds. 216 already precompiled.
Instead of generating the funnel on the fly, precompute the SVG and the manipulate it in the methods...
- shadowRoot.querySelectorAll('bar')
- similar mechanism I used in Lit
- remove funnelDefs ??
### Describe the bug
I am trying to get a Nystroem approximation of a pre computed kernel but it throws an error if I use n_components anything less than the number of datapoints. Unless my understan…
**Describe the bug**
cuml.cluster.HDBSCAN does not appear to support precomputed distance matrix as the documentation suggests
**Steps/Code to reproduce bug**
from cuml.cluster import HDBSCA…