These are notes from a conversation with Mike and Betsy about how to generalize the kalman filter module. More specific tasks to come.
- sipnet specific clim split issue
- Loading Output
right now …
Characterize incidence patterns of diversity across sites: checkerboard, Gleasonian, Clementsian, nested subsets, random
Leibold and Mikkelson 2002, Presley et al. 2010,
site by species mat…
The health checks I ran flagged extremely high daily temperature (>60 degC) in HadGEM3-GC31-LL and UKESM1-0-LL (ssp245 and ssp585). The maximum temperature hits 64 degC. The position of the maximum is…
Hey Kip follow this tutorial to build out the ANOVA code for the 'rates' dataframe
追溯生活中的尘迹,Hello My Blog这是我的第一个博客 我将会在这个博客发布一些教程本教程由Github Pages和Hexo搭建搭建这个博客的初衷是记录我在折腾一些东西的时候走过的坑让大家少走弯路 QAQC,
The permissible dateloc values are now limited to 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 95, 96, and 97 (and possibly 5.5).
For each dateloc value other than 5, there are now prescribed values for year, month, and day for u…
I need some clarity on the output from reading non-WOD files.
My current thoughts is to write a function for each file type and output the same structure (perhaps a dataframe) for each. Then any no…
Curious what people's thoughts are about shifting to using wide mode for these reports.
Consider these two options - the current layout has a good amount of dead whitespace in the margin betwee…
1. ~~Do we have adequate flood stage info? If not, can we use > 90% (and explain that in plain english)~~ we do
2. what geographic info are we including for reference? big cities/capital, county equi…
## Precipitation
The health checks I ran flagged extremely high daily precipitation (>300 mm d-1) in all models. It looks like they are always in the same spot in Yukon, though not always at the sa…