Is there an example using futures + zipline?
I have my own futures data.
Just found your Quandl package and would love to use it in julia v 1.0 so was wondering if you have any plans upgrading it to 1.0?
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Met with my mentor today. I presented four potential project ideas. He felt three of them were good enough to select for the capstone, and gave me the choice to pick w…
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[GEOCODER Yahoo API] options: {"q":"46.68665796636226, -117.16076862334485","gflags":"R","flags":"J","appid":"**********"}
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Könnte man zusätzlich noch Microsoft Finance, ggf auch Google, als Datenquelle hinzufügen? Für viele Fonds findet man historische Daten nur…
Yahoo finance has been discontinued for good. Google is a fallback (albeit a bad one) but there's no reason to display a warning and confuse users: https://github.com/quantopian/pyfolio/issues/478#eve…
finance apiから収集?
Pipeline is one of the key components to Zipline, allowing calculations to be done over thousands of equities. (The current universe of North American equities available on Quantopian is over 8000.) …
Here is the deal we wanted to be able to compare visually the performance of the campaign to the performance of the underlying futures. to accomplish this we are using our futures EXO series on the we…