### Overview
There are docs for programming languages, run times, frameworks, libraries and developer tools in general.
Sentry has its own docs as well, but often when devs are setting up a project f…
### Problem Statement
Sentry error, especially for python, have all the information to diagnoise an issue and create a fix, so sentry GPT should be able to create a pull request to address the fix
This page: https://docs.sentry.io/product/sentry-basics/integrate-backend/capturing-errors/ (6th most popular) talks about unhandled errors in the screenshots don’t match the text:
(also: I wish we h…
Post in #intentional-walk-dev-chatter with an email address to be invited to our project in Sentry.io.
Then, integrate the Python/Django error reporting code as per their getting started guide.
### Description
I was trying to run the [ray](https://www.ray.io/) python library in a container with container uds create permissions (i.e., `-host-uds=create` or `-host-uds=all`) and `-overlay2=non…
### Problem Statement
Sentry's built-in profiling is reasonably low-overhead, but it takes a snapshot of the app's stack every ~10ms. This can miss quite a lot of events. Before Python 3.12, implemen…
### Problem Statement
For the normal python sdk, we usually only output logging with `debug=True`, but with the `AWSLambdaIntegration()` the timeout warnings are logged regardless of whether debug is…
When someone sets `spotlight:true` in a Sentry SDK - we should up all sample rates.
### Tasks
- [ ] Node
- [ ] Python
- [ ] PHP
- [ ] Ruby
Sentry has changed to use `sentry_sdk` instead of `raven`.
Let's update:
* [x] https://github.com/lablup/backend.ai-error-monitor
Also let's update and refi…
### How do you use Sentry?
Sentry Saas (sentry.io)
### Version
### Steps to Reproduce
When using the encode/databases package for async database access in FastAPI, queries are no…