I personally haven't been able to break these myself, but they could yield some potentially interesting results:
- Biome generation: these (at least in 1.16+, according to this video https://youtu.…
PyPy provides an 11x speedup over CPython for calculating 3D simplex values. A tool for spawning PyPy processes that do nothing but calculate simplex values and emit them to a CPython process which wi…
GPU-side randomness is not nearly as robust as is CPU-side, but it can be done. Implement support for the `rand` and `rand2` UnaryOpsVGens.
As mentioned in #102 the output range of OpenSimplex needs to be fixed.
What is the value range for Simplex3 ? According to the example source code (`Math.abs(simplex(...))*256`) it seems to be `[-1;1]`, but I haven't been able to get a value greater than 0.5, and I …
Hi all,
I got really use to having access to noise derivatives in shaders, and was surprised to discover that cinder cpu implementation has some nasty artefacts. I'm trying to figure out what is wron…
Hello, recently I want to call the Proj_l1 operator in "odl.solvers.nonsmooth.proximal_operators.proj_l1" but return the following error:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
File "c:\Users\1329…
This is important to keep track of exactly what we need to implement.
## Perlin Noise
### Description
* **Input:** an N-D vector `v`. Properties:
* N dimensional, vector of real numbers
Hi, first thanks for the great work!
I need periodic 2D noise for a planet texture/heightmap.
My current solution is the following.
Take the UV and do this:
vec4 tile(in vec2 pos) {…
If this function is smooth and differentiable, then a partial differential in each of the three axes would be a useful feature.
I've seen this simplex noise function used for generate blobby surf…