#### Käsitteen tyyppi
#### Ehdotettu termi suomeksi
EP:t [SLM]
#### Tarkoitusta täsmentävä selite
Singleä laajempi, mutta albumia suppeampi julkaisukokonaisuus, jonka nimitys t…
SLM Solutions were originally split from the MTT Technologies Group into both Marcam (now Renishaw) and SLM Solutions in Germany.
The original .mtt file can be used as input into the machine syste…
Thanks for the contribution.
Even though the SLM appears to be the novel part of this solution, the readme provides little details on training and running the SLM. Right now it just mentions go to…
Edit policy form should redirect to create a new/custom snapshot policy if there are no SLM policies yet or user's input doesn't match any existing policies. The SLM policy creation form then should r…
MMCore has a couple of functions to work with SLM (spatial light modulator) devices. These are basically treated as a a display with a rectangular coordinate system that images can be written to.
It would be useful to be able to configure some of the SLM policies being not open for modification via REST api.
Cloud managed policy is one example, but some users might find it useful to configu…
Vilken pluralform är korrekt?
-jfr fi. plural
### 🐛 Describe the bug
It is possibly an issue of compiler software stack, SYCL compiler or IGC. The issue is filed for tracking. Will retrieve original logic if the issue is fixed.
### Versions