The [Bus open data service](https://data.bus-data.dft.gov.uk/api/) managed by DFT provides API access to timetable data for bus journeys. Explore the data, make notes on its suitability and parse it.
Recently I found a new issue with "OtherPublicHoliday" field in the latest Traveline .xml.
Looks like the Jubilee bank holiday will be celebrated across the UK and some operators added…
The majority of failed to parse realtime journeys are for TFL services as their timetables arent provided in the BODS system.
Need to use the TfL API to generate CTDF Services & Journeys for TfL se…
While converting Traveline into GTFS I noticed that 2700 files contain same as well as O1. However all these 2700 files are routes operated by different agencies, they have different national operato…
There are wait times associated with some parts of a journey, these should be incorporated into the CTDF Journey timing,
Operating Profiles can be either defined in the Service or VehicleJourney. These describe which days the bus operates on. We need to convert these into a nice CTDF format.
* Handle days of week
* …
Hi @linusnorton ,
Looks like NAPTAN for some reason decided to change their website since 14.01.2022 and now they provide the stops.csv by another link: https://beta-naptan.dft.gov.uk/Download/File…
@linusnorton Hi,
I found a problem converting txc .xml file which we get from DFT. (https://www.bus-data.dft.gov.uk/)
Looks like the latest changes concerning Holidays negatively impacted on the ab…
Hi @linusnorton,
In the latest version of txc converter I have a problem converting some of the zip files with txc traveline data.
The process of conversion is stopped and no GTFS is generated.
I …
I tried processing the latest BODS (DFT) data but it throws an error. Attached one of the faulty files here:
_Processing 64_65-FECS_64_65--FECS-IPSWICH-2021-10-24-IP1C FINAL-BODS_V1_1.xml